Life has gotten full. Recently I realized that I have more responsibilities right now than ever before in my life. I think this is supposed to be a blessing? Sometimes I've had eyes to see it that way- sometimes I haven't. What is obvious to me is that I am growing. I'm learning, in a deeper way, to let go (I think especially of the need for control) and embrace the process as I walk with God in and through it. Kris says, "Between the promise and the palace there's the process." My thoughts go immediately to Joseph, who learned this lesson as well as anyone. My thoughts also go to David, and his process from the promise to the palace.
A few verses have stirred my heart lately.
Hebrews 6:11-12
"And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises."
How many great themes are touched on right there? Desire, diligence, realization, assurance, hope, imitation, faith, patience, inheritance, promises.
I've thought for awhile now that it's simply by faith that we receive promises, which I still believe. But it's helpful to know that patience is also involved. Perhaps, in theory, if I had enough faith, I wouldn't need patience, because faith would bring the immediate result. But, until I reach that place of faith, I will learn patience. One way I understand patience right now is as an embracing of the process between the promise and the palace.
I've also noticed something cool about the process. When I have true hope about something, it feels great, even before I receive what I'm hoping for. I'm continuing to develop a greater value for hope all the time.
Here's some other verses that have been stirring me lately...
Romans 5:3-5
"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint..."
I'm after this thing of proven character that brings about hope, because I am convinced that the heart can live and breath and thrive in the context of hope, and that it withers, suffocates, and dies without it.
So how can I live with hope consistently, as a lifestyle? It seems the way offered here by Paul is to develop proven character through persevering in things I don't like about life. Facing reality and dealing with it, engaging it, entering into a process. I don't know how I could do this without the foundations God has laid in my life over the years, like grace and love, and the tools and weapons He's given me, like thanksgiving, praise, and declaration. The tools and weapons give me something I can practically do when I face and engage reality, to fight for what I want.
At the end of September I got to go on a trip with Kris out to the northern California coast. It was his first "Supernatural Ways of Royalty" conference- and it was powerful. In fact, I think it was the most powerful conference I've ever been to. What made it even better was Brent, my brother-in-law, got to come! We had a great time learning, experiencing God, and processing (there's that word again) together.
Here's a picture of Kris preaching at the conference...
A couple weeks ago I went down to southern California for my cousin Katie's wedding. It was good to reconnect with family.
The cousins... Pat, the big man in the middle, being the newest addition, with baby Paige, in the back right, coming in at a close second.
School is going well. We watched a Kathryn Kuhlman video last week that rocked the class. The video really captured something special- you could see Kathryn was lost in other realms, though she was physically there speaking. It was like her body was there, but her spirit was off in heavenly realms. You could see it in her eyes. If you can ever get a chance to see the video of her speaking at the Oral Roberts University graduation, don't miss it.
Yesterday in class, I think Eric Johnson put words to what many of us were wondering... "What was she seeing?"
Quote of the day:
"Part of dancing with God as He unfolds our destiny is coming to the realization that life doesn't arrive on our doorstep in a neat package... The 'feel' of destiny is so different when we finally realize it doesn't happen the way we thought it would or the way some fantasy book told us it would." (Mark Chironna)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
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